Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Do I love it or hate it? YES.

Do I frequently get lost? yes, and not just getting there like today when i forgot to get on the blue route off of 95 and couldn't figure out why I was seeing the airport. I get lost inside the store, too.

Do I realize at the checkout that all the cool organizational things for the kitchen are up in the kitchen department not in the marketplace where I have wandered for the past hour? YES

but sadly there is no way to get there from here. so I just go home.

On the bright side, I was able to pick up the $850 worth of kitchen stuff that they left out of my order without too much hassle. On the other hand, it's a hassle that they forgot to send me $850 worth of kitchen stuff when i picked up all the rest of my kitchen stuff. See what I mean?

And yay for some fun purchases:
5 bin hanging organizers for the kids' closets so that we can pick school clothes for the week on Sunday night and not have to have a clothes discussion (you can't wear that, go change) every morning.

a red cutting board to be reserved for meat - we already have a blue one for veggies. David learned this at cooking camp and I kind of like the idea.

more wooden hangers so I can get rid of the plastic ones in my purged and organized closet.

crispy cookies that I will bring to Grammie's tomorrow to share.

a giant metal tray for only 99 cents...why didn't I get several for all the summer picnics???

and...ta da... my own huge blue ikea bag

PS: Jason, the pool is blue again!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I went to ikea today. i realized i have an obsession with bedding because i wanted to buy 2340985 different beddings. I can't wait to see your kitchen all decked out in ikea!